Diskussion:Evan Lorne

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Das folgende habe ich im Internet gefunden ( http://www.newmajor.net/forum/lofiversion/index.php/t984-650.html ).


  1. Handelt es sich dabei um die englische Version des Stargate-Magazins?
  2. Kann jemand diese Informationen bestätigen. D.h. hat jemand diese DVD bzw das Magazin

Ich gebe mal selbst die wichtigste Antwort, war leider etwas schnell beim Fragen und langsam beim suchen im Netz.

  1. Ja es ist die englische Version des Stargate Magazins. Homepage: http://www.stargatedvd.co.uk/index.htm

STARGATE SG-1 The DVD Collection

Issue 46 9/11/06

Lifeboat 7.06 Enemy Mine 7.07 Space Race 7.08



NAME: Evan Lorne USAF: O-4 RANK: Major POSITION: Chief engineer of P3X-403

       Naquadah mining operation

DATE OF BIRTH: 22nd July 1970 NATIONALITY: US Citizen HAIR: Black EYE COLOUR: Brown POB: Chicago, Illionois BACKGROUND: Graduated from the University of Illinois with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Joined the Squadron Officer School at Maxwell Air Force Bace in Alabama, where he decided to persue the field of flight test engineering. While training in the USAF, Lorne gained a Phd in Engineering at the Air Force Insititute of Technology at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base.


Developmental Engineer: When Lorne entered the USAF he took the Air Force Filght Test Engineer Course. After two years experience in this field, Lorne passed the Acquistions Fundamentals Course. When he became a fully qualified Developemental Engineer, Lorne's duties included palnning, organising and managing Air Force systems - this meant he was responsible for assessing the performance of personnel, technology and procedures, Lorne was also involved in the planning activities such as design, development and manufacturing of systems. His experience in Electronics Engineering was utilised at the Air Force Development Test Center at the Elign Air Force Base in Florida. At the Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, Lorne worked in Avionics Integration Research at the Wright Laboratory.

Specialisation: Lorne's extensive engineering knowledge made him an ideal officer for the SGC, He possessed the capabilities to cope with any kind of situation that might arise on an alien planet. As part of SG-11 working with naquadah minig operation on P3X-403, Lorne demonstrated how swiftly he could adapt his scientific expertise to deal with alien technology. His skills in acquisitions also meant that Colonel Edwards' staff were never lacking in machinery, parts or expert consultation. When new mining and transport techniques were required to excavate rich veins of naquahdah, Lorne was instrumental in devising alternate methods

Current Status: Transferred to the Atlantis Expedtion in the Pegagus Galaxy

SG-1 ANAYLYSIS: General Hammond

Lorne has already achieved much with his time with the SGC. his technical knowledeg was crucial in the mining operation on P3X-403. In a long term opreation, many problems arise that need expert handling. There were several sites opened on the planet and each one provided challanges in terms of different types of rock to be drilled and seams of varying quality, Lorne developed procedures and machinery to cope with all the tests the terrain threw at him. He has all the qualities to make a fine leader in the future. He is tough but compassionate and alwasy has the safety of his men in mind. When the Atlantis expedition required an officer with Lorne's expertise we had to allow him to transfer, but we did so reluctantly.